INCHAM's Focus

India - Vietnam Relations
Vietnam is at the crossroads of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. With an approximate area of 330,967, Vietnam is roughly the size of Italy or Mexico. The country’s population is estimated to be 98 million as of 2019 making it 15th most populous country in the world Vietnam shares its land borders with China, Laos and Cambodia It shares its maritime borders with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand, and the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia through the South China Sea. Its capital city is Hanoi, and its most populous city is Ho Chi Minh City, also known by its former name of Saigon.
The average age in Vietnam is 32.5 years and 70% of Vietnamese have access to the Internet. The total number of airports is 33 including 10 international airports. Vietnam has more than 300 ports but main ports are Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Danang and Qui Nhon. Vietnam has one of the most competitive corporate tax rates of 20%.