The Consulate General of India in HCMC in collaboration with Indian Business Chamber is commemorating International Women’s Day 2022 by conducting a Seminar on ‘WOMEN IN BUSINESS & LEADERSHIP’ that will be focused on CONNECTING, DEVELOPING & EMPOWERING WOMEN. This seminar will be a platform for networking, communication and deep diving into women in business and Women in Leadership.  Although these competences are independent of gender, this seminar allows the participants to reflect on unique challenges women encounter in a work environment.
This Seminar is a thought-provoking, well researched area of empowering and enabling greater financial freedom and access to information and resources from our knowledgeable speakers. 
Event details:
· Date: 25th March 2022, Friday
· Time: 10:30 am – 11.30 am followed by High Tea
· Venue:  Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, 214 Vo Thi Sau Street, District 3, HCMC.
. Speakers : Ms.Tran Buu Huynh,  Chief Operating OFficer, KCN Vietnam
                   Ms. Greeni Maheswari, Lecturer, RMIT, Vietnam
                   Ms.  Trinh Thi Tuyet Anh, BD and International Liaison Director, Grant Thornton VietNam
1. Entry only on prior registration.  Last date for registration – 23rd March, 2022
2. As per guideline, all guests must be able to produce:
·        Green badge with 02 vaccine shots (2nd shot minimum 14 days prior)
·        Or Green badge with 01 shot vaccine and negative rapid test not more than 14 days before the meeting (event date).
·        Or F0 recovery certificate not more than 6 months.


25 March, 2022

Time (VST)

10:30 am - 11:30 am

More Info

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Supported Event


Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, 214 Vo Thi Sau Street, District 3, HCMC. 
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